EXHIBITION: 'Promised Land' at dianne tanzer gallery

'The Test Pool' - graphite and carbon pencil on layered paper, 41x55cm, 2012

20 OCT - 17 NOVEMBER 2012

Becc Orszag's debut solo show with diannetanzer gallery + projects opens today at 3pm.

An exhibition of new drawings by Melbourne artist Becc Orszag. Orszag's work questions the voyeur’s moral ambivalence and role as a witness to their own experience. It’s the potential for upheaval or worse, nothingness that we constantly seem to be on the edge of. Unseen and unspoken, unaware of just how close to that line we are. Through highly detailed small scale drawings Orszag explores unresolved narratives forcing individual observation and interpretation. Figures are removed from their original contexts into dissected, re-imagined, illusionary realms. Gestures are exaggerated, mimicry is amplified and gazes are obscured. The protagonists become anonymous and redundant stripped of power and will. The viewer unable to meet their eye becomes a witness acutely aware of their voyeuristic behaviour. 

dianne tanzer gallery + projects
20 October - 17 November
108 - 110 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, VIC