Linden presents an exhibition by Becc Ország in Linden Projects: Paper alongside exhibitions by Gunjan Aylawadi, Peta Clancy and Emma van Leest. This exhibition explores how one of the oldest of art medias is used by contemporary artists today and explores how this media can be extended

Ország’s drawings are a strange mix of landscape, portraits and performance presented in a dream like trance. Her drawings are inspired by found imagery and the written word, from accidental photographs and historical photojournalism to instruction manuals and religious texts. She explores the insatiable human desire for a promised land, a utopia beyond the physical limits of Earth.  The False Victor, The Appointed and The Revived ask the viewer to test their beliefs around traditional authority narratives, variants of force and the repercussions we face by complying and forfeiting our will. Also presented are four Immaculate Landscapes that offer a place of respite in their meditative Rorscharch inspired symmetrical landscapes, inviting the viewer into a state of self reflection.

Instal photography by David Marks.